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Richard Nelson: Cut Knife-Turtleford

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 1 (306) 992-2798

Born and raised in Saskatchewan, I have lived in the Battlefords since 1982. I come from rural roots and my family tree reaches five generations deep in Saskatchewan. I attended the Comprehensive high school in North Battleford and then, following my dream of working an oilrig, I spent time in the Lloydminster and Edam area working for Sedco Drilling Rig #86. I decided to return to school and attend the University of Saskatchewan and graduated in 2007 with a Bachelor’s of Arts degree with Honours specializing in Canadian Government and Western Canadian History. Since graduating I married my wife Meghan and we have built our life together and have four children. We spent time in the Saskatoon and Regina area where I managed sales in the storage industry. Finally, in 2013 we were presented the opportunity to buy our dream home, a one room schoolhouse, in the country near Cut Knife. There I run my own my small storage equipment and remediation equipment rental company. We enjoy time with our kids, our flock of chickens and our cherry orchard whenever we can!

I have been working hard for change in politics for a few years having sought a federal nomination and serving on the Constituency board of directors. I give 100% to every campaign to spread the message about our exceptional province and all we have to offer. I have always believed that Ottawa could learn from us rather than forcing their egocentric logic upon Saskatchewan time and again. What is apparent to me is that our problem is not our argument for fair treatment – it is a math problem. We do not have a proportionate number of seats compared to other provinces and we do not have the population compared to others. So, we are ruled by city-states and provinces to the East and elections are decided before Manitoba’s polls close. If that is not enough, the parties we elect always capitulate to the East to win elections leaving the West disadvantaged and under-represented. If Quebec is a distinct nation within a nation, Saskatchewan certainly qualifies as well.

Allowing people, rather than political parties, to decide if we desire independence is not a novel concept, yet our western Premiers are silent on the topic. Too hard they say. Demanding the same deal in Equalization that Quebec enjoys should not be controversial but a matter of responsibility. Yet our western Premiers are silent on that too. Too hard they say. Having control of our taxes and refusing to pay industry killing taxes like carbon tax should not be considered unattainable, rather, of existential importance. Yet, western Premiers are leaving the decision to unelected courts rather than legislating a solution. Too hard they say. Like many others I began feeling alienated in the West and when the Buffalo Party began speaking about their beliefs about our government, our economy, and our future I felt optimistic again. The Buffalo Party believes that “all people within Saskatchewan are free. Their Rights and Freedoms shall never be compromised.”

The more I learned about the Buffalo Party’s ideas to demand a fair deal for Saskatchewan, the more “at home” I felt. A real plan to make Saskatchewan the most economical place to invest AND do business in the country-and even the world. A plan to create opportunities for young entrepreneurs and farmers to start up and prosper in Saskatchewan attracting more people to enjoy our way of life. A plan to attract more small and medium scale private energy producers and upgraders to rebuild our energy market. A plan to control our province without the Eastern hegemony of Ottawa and do what is best for Saskatchewan on all fronts: trade and economy, taxation, healthcare, and education. A Saskatchewan plan for Saskatchewan people. We can not take “NO” for an answer anymore.

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