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Justin Chrobot: Kelvington-Wadena

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 1 (306) 992-2798

Justin was born and raised on a mixed grain and cattle farm in Medley, Alberta. He was active in 4H beef, football, and was also a camp leader for the 4H summer camp program from 2003 to 2004. Justin graduated from Bonnyville centralized high school on 2006. From 2006 to 2014 he spent most of his time working all over Western Canada running directional drills, as well as installing and maintaining various utilities and pipelines. In 2016 he moved to Theodore, Saskatchewan with his two daughters to be closer to family. Justin pursued a career in power line construction and maintenance. In 2018 he met his wife, and in January 2020 Justin became a father of three; two daughters ages 4 and 6, and a son who is seven months old. As one whose career has been in farming, infrastructure, construction and the oil field industry, politics has always had Justin’s attention. Justin believes Saskatchewan’s economy is well established and positioned to be a leader in economic recovery with the proper support from the provincial government. Justin looks forward to serving the great people of the Kelvington-Wadena constituency, and the opportunity of serving as their next MLA for the Buffalo Party of Saskatchewan.

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